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Power-based violence, often referred to as interpersonal violence or violence based on power dynamics, encompasses a range of harmful behaviors that are rooted in the unequal distribution of power and control between individuals or groups. This type of violence is characterized by one party exerting dominance, control, or influence over another, often resulting in physical, emotional, or psychological harm. Power-based violence can occur in various contexts, including personal relationships, communities, institutions, and broader societal structures.


Examples of power-based violence include:


  1. Domestic Violence: This involves a pattern of abusive behaviors within an intimate relationship, where one partner seeks to control and manipulate the other through tactics such as physical violence, emotional abuse, isolation, and economic control.
  1. Sexual Assault: Sexual assault occurs when one person forces or coerces another person into sexual activity without their consent. This includes rape, molestation, and any unwanted sexual contact.
  1. Stalking: Stalking is the persistent and unwanted pursuit or monitoring of another person, often causing fear and distress. It can involve following, communication, and harassment.
  1. Harassment: Harassment involves unwanted and unwelcome behavior or communication that creates a hostile environment for the victim. It can occur in various settings, including the workplace, educational institutions, and online spaces.
  1. Child Abuse: Power-based violence against children includes physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, as well as neglect, inflicted by individuals with authority over them.
  1. Human Trafficking: This involves the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of individuals through force, coercion, or deception for the purpose of exploitation, such as forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation.

Addressing power-based violence requires comprehensive efforts to challenge power imbalances, promote education and awareness, provide resources and support for victims, and hold perpetrators accountable. Help us end power-based violence in our community today. 


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